Vocavio Civil Aviation Systems
This spin out company from Trinity College Dublin was formed following ‘Tapoia project’ – a two year collaborative research effort funded by Enterprise Ireland commercialisation funding (lab2market).
The goal was to create a method to score CRM skills of multi-crew pilots using voice tone analysis. We were grateful to secure access to pilots and flight simulators with partners at AerLingus, Ialpa, IrishAirCorps and Simtech that provided us with over 300hours of audio to retrain the original algorithms (ref: Speech Comm Paper_TCD_Oct2013)
Our current mission is to support the advancement of civil aviation systems, whether that’s licensing Vocavio software to advance AI model development in pilot training, flightdeck sensing systems, ATC or future pilot initiatives (EVTOL, Single Pilot operations, etc..).
Contact us to discuss your technology development plans.
Software available:
- vSIM dialog, Restful API and webtool (azure instance)
- vSIM dialog, command prompt version (fully configurable server side instance)
For full technical specifications, email us for more details.
- OEM aircraft, OEM Simulator, System Integrators, contact us to discuss your program needs.
- Researcher? Talk to us about an exploration license for your project.
Dubai airshow 2023 Vocavio whitepaper_Human in the loop_FINAL3
Interspeech, Dusseldorf 2015 Interspeech paper 2015_Vocavio_CDL
Royal Aeronautical Society, London 2014 Summary-report_multi-crew-pilot-communication-skills_TCD_070214
Interspeech, Dusseldorf 2015 Interspeech pres 2015_Vocavio_CDL
R0yal Aeronautical Society 2018, Vocavio_RAeS-2018-Presentation-FINAL
Method and system for measuring communication skills of crew members
United States of America / US10152899B2
Canada/ CA2919762C
Company profile on Enterprise Ireland Innovation directory
EASA presentation_tapoia project 2014 v1.0
Innovation showcase deck_ITSEC 2014 GEN_0817